Monthly Archives: May 2012

Mindless Self Indulgence

This is

mindless self indulgence.

The way it penetrates

from within,

and shows right through

your skin.

This all consuming

always looming

mindset that you’re in.

This is

mindless self indulgence

and its going to do you in.

Break Free

Why must we feel constrained

by the fabrics of our clothing?

by the confines of our home?

by the limits of our knowledge?

by the boundaries of our city?

Not me,

I say,

Break free!

Break free from these so called


these so called ends.

create a new limit, a new end.

Become your own person,

and encourage your friends!

If each of you had one

new thought,

imagine the ideas we could have!

Don’t try to be me

and I won’t try to be you.

Create and reinvent yourself

make a new you,

the real you,

the true you.


Swallowing sadness

I sit in fear

of losing someone i love, so dear

think to the good times we’ve had in the past,

wishing it didn’t go by so fast

is there any way to make this last?